Cigar Box Nation member, Gene Dale came up with this simple, yet effective PVC cigar box guitar stand.  Last week, he posted a blog about it and showed a few pictures.  We then got an email from Austin Coslar who was inspired to build his own...and he documented all the parts needed:

12 x 3-way connectors
4 x elbows
4 x end caps
2 x long pieces of foam (28")
4 x 18" pipes
4 x 30" pipes
8 x 5" pipes
8 x 6" pipes

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  • nice but i like Janis's better

  • Now this is one of the best idea's I have seen.  I live alone in a smaller apartment in a wheel chair  My biggest problem is where to put things down.  I just finished my first 3 string am working on a slide four string and a base guitar kit.

    Big problem is working space and where to put things down.  That has just been answered now I just need to get the pipe.

    Great idea, Maybe I will add wheels

    • I use a PVC rack to hold some of my guitars in the store:


      • to have day :(

      • cool like it

  • cool idea I think I will make one out of scrap wood  but first I got to build my second guitar going to use alum cake pan made in USA  and then hubcap for the third one  say hi to great music and cool cbgs

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