Hi to the Aussie members. I built 38 for a lot of talented and famous musicians, but I've hung up the boots. I have a LOT of really great boxes I collected over the years. Give me a shout of you are looking for great boxes. Some I bought on my travels in USA, Mexico, Caribbean. Others I found scouring the usual flea markets etc. Many great boxes that I wish I could keep but I'm moving in with the ever lovin' and there no room for them. All I want is break even. $5 - $20 per box. Located in Melbourne. Can post it you want to pay postage. Hit me up for pics. I'll be sad to see them go. Some boxes you can't get here.

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  • Hi Glen,

    I am new to cigar box guitars and would like to build some, i live in Rowville Melbourne and if you have any boxes left I would be interested.

    Please let me know

  • hi glenn,  i might have to bite the bullet and get a box from you. need a box about 270 mm + long and not too thick  maybe around 50 mm? width of anywhere bigger than 170 mm would be great. just cant seem to find any at the smoke shops i have tried so far and they seem to be going for $35+ on ebay... got a reclaimed 6 string neck and wanting to make an electric salvaged the pickup and volume/jack assembly just need something to bolt the neck to...lol

    please let me know if you have anything that would suit?

    • Yup.I'll measure up and send you a couple of pics. 

    • Sweet I'll get a better look tonight mate and get back to you cheers .
  • Hi I'm in Hobart Tassie I'd be keen as mustard for a few boxes mate all good to cover postage from my end cheers regards Jeff
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