Can a cigar box guitar with the neck only a fragment higher than the box still make for a fretted guitar ? If I glue a 1/4" piece it's just about even or only very very slightly higher than the box. The other option for a glued piece on the neck is much higher...too high. Limited wood and no wiggle room as the box was basically cut wrong etc.

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  • A few questions:  What is the block of wood on the box?  Is the bridge located where the pencil line is?  Where/how are you holding the strings?  Are you adding a fretboard or fretting on the neck directly?

    • The rectangular cut out is for a humbucker mag pick up..the pencil line is really just a trace too hard of where originally the humbucker was going to originally go
      • You shouldn't need another block at the tail depending on your bridge. A nice break angle down to the tail will help hold your bridge in place (assuming it is a floating bridge). You can, which is a good option. 

        The cut where the humbucker will sit, is there enough depth there for the humbucker?

        • the Humbucker wood/neck hasn't been cut to depth at all yet.
          I do need to hide the tail end cut of the box somehow though. I don't know what a floating bridge is but I will look it up. I was going to use a bolt hopefully
          • A floating bridge is just a bridge that isn't attached. You can move it about. A bolt is one.

          • This through the box tail piece will need something to cover my mistake...just not sure if it should be a raising of the string hold or cover of the box cut...or both.


            • Yeah, maybe pretty it up a bit with a flush piece of really nice wood. But it's details. Concentrate on getting it strung up and making a noise, even if it is acoustic just now.

              • Thank you I will. then I'll get back on here ..can use a smaller depth piece of wood on the tail piece... where the strings anchor...might look funny but give a slightly steeper break angle
                • Agree with Formhorach, get it working then worry about prettying it up.  Also the string anchor should be as low as you can for the angle as you said, why do you need a block of wood at all?

                  • I don't know if you can see in this pic...I don't want that cut showing. I could put a small piece of wood there that's depth and length are less and smaller or certainly less depth.


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