
  • Had to google this....

    Design-wise it's intriguing.  the waynie ultimate style would seem to lend itself best to a set of cigar boxes attached narrow-end-to-end like the lap dulcimers.

    Solve the scratchy sound if you do.  having played some fiddle, I can tell you that the scratchy tone comes from bowing too close to the fixed end of the string.  make it so you have at least an inch or more between the fixed end of the string and the spot to bow it and it'll sound a whole lot better.

    also, bowed instruments must have flat wound strings.

    can't wait to see and hear the results!

  • I'm sorry, my dreams usually involve scantily clad super models or being chased by dinosaurs lol

    never in my life have I even desired to play a bowed psaltery let alone dream about one, it's one of those instruments I don't mind seeing once in my life....once! No offense to those who appreciate it's origin and music, but I prefer something less violent to my ear drums.

    Not attacking your post, but you did ask.

    As far as making one utilizing a cigar box, I'm starting to come to the conclusion there aren't too many string instruments that can't be made from one. Maybe someone out there has

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