4th Edition (First Edition ©2004)
34 Years Experience as A Guitar Instructor, 9 Years As A CBG Maker.

" I've been playing six and 12 string guitar (on and off) for 30 years, within an hour of watching Jag's video,
I learned more about playing fingerstyle and slide than I've picked up from the countless books and competing videos
I've wasted money on over the years. I can't recommend or endorse Jag's video lessons highly enough. It's opened up a whole new style of playing for me.
Jag's video makes it simple. You'll learn most all of what you need to know about fingerstyle and slide in nothing flat.
 It's a rarity that I buy something and it's a hell of a lot more than I ever expected. Most products these days are a let-down, Your's is just the opposite!
In short....Doughboy says "Buy it!"
Thanks again,
Ron "Blind Doughboy" Marr



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  • I second what "Blind Doughboy" says. I have the 2009 edition and knew nothing about playing. The video really presented the essentials in an understandable way. Additionally, when I was in the Little Rock area to pick up my left handed CBG that Jag made for me, he freely offered some beginners suggestions on how and why to learning finger picking. His CBG's are of a nice quality ... not overly decorated and authentic looking. His hand wound pups sound amazing. He has been a great inspiration for me to find my mojo.

  • Thanks for share, in this url we can order, ok i am going to visit this site

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