I finished my fifth CBG: a plain vanilla Uncle Crow on a Don Tomas box. It had a rather sweet, mellow sound. My son said it was his favorite so far.
Out of boxes, I headed to our small town's only real cigar shop. On a whim, I grabbed the new Don Tomas on the way out the door.
At first, I thought I was just going to show them my newest. When I walked in, I somehow found myself saying "Hey! Think your customers might like having this around?" They seemed curious, one guy even saying he played a little six string.
I bought a few boxes and they rang up cheaper than last time! Yep, a discount.
I went home and made a business card, I took the new card and a slide back to the smoke shop (my drop-off was fretless). By the time I returned, they had hung the CBG on the wall. Dude said he wanted the CBG where people could get to it, but enough out of the way that people wouldn't over-handle it.
I taped the card inside the box and left a piece of copper pipe inside as well. On my way out, I commented on a cool box mounted on the wall. Dude said, "I have one of those. Here." and gave me another box. Coolness!
I'm thinking about making a replacement with frets. Like the book says, folks who know guitar will more readily pick up a CBG if it has frets on it. I may even consider leaving BOTH there.
I don't think my donations will net me a lifetime of free boxes, but the goodwill is pretty cool. I also figure few people will see it as anything but decoration, fewer will take it down, and even fewer will look inside to find my card, BUT... it was good fun and I bet I'll have some smoke shop guys bird dogging cool boxes for me.
NOTE: They told me like three people had been in for boxes (I was #3). I bet I was the first to make a gift.
OH!... and this is my card