I built a 4 string bass - no electric - used an old wine bottle box about 6 inches deep and about 7inches by 12 inches rectangle. Put the strings on it and am very disappointed; very poor sound. I made two 1 1/4 inch holes in the sound board and another two cuts that included 2 inch holes. It seems to me that there is adequate area for sound resonation. The neck is about 32 inches long with the head at 5 inches. I used an internet tuner to get the correct tune.
Any suggestions? Is this what you get from an acustic bass?
Wilson "Bear" Gardner
many things factor into sound transfer .. including string angle , materials , bridge height and position . etc etc etc .
first thing i would try is getting more downward string pressure on the body by increasing the string angle behind the nut and bridge .
a type of string retainer may help this .
a picture of your guit would help diagnose
what kind of bridge did you use...how about a pic of it