I've been asked to build a short scale 2 string bass which in it self is no biggie even though I haven't done one before..
What I'm wondering is what pickups are out there at a reasonable price, the guy doesn't have bottomless pockets and I'm doing the build more as a favour than anything else..
Hi Eric, here is what I did. I split the pickups so that I had p/ups for two guitars.
Here's my cutting edge ba........er, I mean cutting board bass. I even cut the bridge in half. And you could say half the neck, but I can't use the half I cut off. Ha ha. Cheers Taff
Not sure if you’ve been to the Resources tab, but here’s a 2 string Bass made from a 2x4
Yeah - like many forums, the talkbass crowd can get into details and overwhelm you. There's nothing magic about a bass pickup. Squier sells a short scale bass that has a guitar (strat) pickup in it. Since it's just two strings, you could just use half of a split coil pickup. You'll lose the humbucking, but it'll still work. Or just use what you have laying around. I have a Yamaha split coil pickup listed in the TalkBass classifieds, but it's not any cheaper than the options others have pointed out here.
Those are good pickups, gitty has some split style Bass pickups for a reasonable price?
Excellent, thanks for that.. I had a look at the Gitty site but seem to have missed those.. He's a pretty good bass player but up to his neck in kids and mortgages but would like to have one..
If he's wanting the classic bass sound (Fender Precision bass), you want a split coil pickup and flat wound strings. Something like this from EB*y. If you really want a LOT of information, repost this question to www.talkbass.com
Thanks for that.. I had a look through talkbass and the question had been asked before but there were so many conflicting answers unless you were a bass fanatic you'd not be able to pull the relevant info out.. I've built a whole bunch of 3 and 4 string guitars but never a 2 string bass so while construction seems straight forward the electrics not so much..