Am starting out building cbg's and as I already have a small 20w amp and speakers will want to play around with making my noise loud.  I do not understand what type of pickup to use and whether a pre-amp is needed nor do I know how to reach a conclusion.  So - an easy to follow intro would be appreciated. Tks.

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  • Let's get some answers first. Because you have lots of options here. 

    Are you looking for a simple clean sound?

    Do you want to use distortion and rock out?

  • My 2 cents, get the red dot pickup from gitty.

    a piezo crystal makes electricity when it's vibrated, and you can plug that right straight into the amp.

    that's the basics. 

    the next step up is a mag pickup.

    it also makes electricity, but from a guitar string waving around right close in front of it, like a tiny generator, and that you can also plug straight into your amp.

    You don't have to have volume and tone controls, you can do all that with the amp's controls.

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