They have 3 of them. I watched some videos on YouTube. They sound real nice. Anyone know anything about them?

I'm looking to buy an acoustic CBG that sounds more guitar-like, and less banjo-like. I like the way this sounds...

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  • I build these... in the US :-)

    • Actually, that is the unplugged sound. Recorded with mics and direct for analysis. Video is mics only.
    • Nice resonator, I've seen pics of the 3 cone res, but that's the first I've heard one, real nice, real curious how it sounds unplugged.

      I also like your zero fret solution for string guides, use of a wooden nut with the grooves cut in for guides, I may borrow that idea in a future build


  • finally heard the guitar playing, a couple things to consider, what is he using to record his playing, may be deceiving you as far as volume, second, a four string will produce more volume than a 3, 6 strings will be louder etc. when strumming, more vibration.

    If it's a China made production guitar, don't know what trickery in playback audio may be done...if it's in fact made in China, I don't know.

  • My builder is down for the count right now with herniated disc I'm keeping my options open for finding someone else. I was thinking resonator for the loudness, but everyone tells me they sound like a banjo. I'd love something more in the lines of an acoustic/classical guitar sound because I mainly fingerpick...haven't gotten into slide at all. So yeah, I want something that plays loud acoustically, and not just with an amp (although I'd like that option as well).

    • Everyone usually comments they want a loud acoustic only CBG, several factors to consider, and one biggy that will give the most headache in my opinion.

      First, best off build a normal 24-25.5" scale for starters, use Cigar Box Nation's tech tip on string choice for the low tone, which is usually two semi heavy wound strings and one light string to get the close to desired tone ---> here string choice

      Next problem, and it's the biggy, your sound board, no matter how thin or material used, it's darn near impossible to get both the sound and volume your looking for, here's why, go look again at a regular acoustic guitar, and look at the coverage area it has to project, way bigger than CBG's, so to start with, your best bet is a custom made box, at least 2" deep and every bit of maybe 16x10" in size, if I wanted one exactly like an acoustic guitar, I'd probably buy a 6 string and cannibalize it's soundboard, cut down it's neck and headstock to make it a 3 string and go from there. or experiment with cardboard cigar boxes, they seem to have a closer sound than some of the heavier wood boxes.

      If I didn't have so many irons in the fire right now, I'd try and make you one just to see how close I could come, but it would be after the new year comes in before I'll have time for such a project, and I'll probably have every bit of a $100 to $150 just in parts, because I'd but like a Lyon or Washburn 6 string for my cannibalization, I'd even make it use it's electric/preamp bridge piezo so it could be both.

      Let me know after the first of the year if still interested.

      I'm sure others have come close and may chime in, but out of all the searches related I've not heard one definite solution.

      rotsa-ruck scooby

    • p. s. if you want inexpensive guitars to cannibalize, or just buy at good prices either in good shape or in need of some repair, I'd look here, I've bought some.

      under musical instruments G-Will

  • Urgh, really? Learn something new everyday. So they are mass-produced Chinese stuff? I wasn't aware. They have some English bloke on their site, plugging them. I thought they were made in England, LOL. I'm looking for a very loud acoustic CBG. I thought they sounded nice at least.

  • Aren't they the ones being made in China?

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