Ordered a CBG from the states (this will be second one same seller) and it's currently stuck 1 week + in customs. First guitar I ordered was cleared same day, for some reason this one is just hanging dead in customs. Is there literally nothing I can do to even find out what's going on with my parcel? Seems odd in this day and age we have a Bermuda Triangle for Canadian Customs/Duty.  

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  • That blows, I order stuff from overseas that clears faster than that, somebody’s gotta fix that quick not like you’re ordering bomb parts or anything? Are you? :)

  • Well almost 10 days in customs and finally it's on the move again thankfully. If this is the new standard I'm gonna have to rethink my US purchases, at the very least plan for extra time for customs dilly-dallying. 

  • I thought they were already x-raying boxes a certain size? But , anyway it’s so stupid , those tariffs are  affecting everything? Especially since we’re neighbors?

  • I take it you have tracking ? (since you  mentioned "stuck in customs " )  You cant rely on tracking , the updates are slow at times , and  sometimes don't even move till after you get it . many times it just "looks" like its stuck in customs .

     If you do  have tracking . On the tracking page UPTOP , they sometimes show area  alerts expecting delays / weather forest fires / etc ..  check for your point of origin there . 

    also  , due to trump's tarif  issues  , Customs in general has been slowed IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS  due to  his demand to xray everything within a certain size  going in and out .

    Nevertheless . a guitar from usa usually takes 7 to 10 days regularly   . so i would not  be worried  yet .  

    heck , i just send one to Detroit  (3 hours away) and it took 8 days . 

    Go have a kittkat and a pepsi  ,  , rule of thumb is  . it comes in the day after you ask about it .  ;-)

    • I have tracking via Etsy, but no number. I'll get the tracking number from the seller in a few days if there is no movement. I heard something vaguely about Trump implementing (or wanting to) certain tariffs not sure how that worked out as far as Canadian customs goes as the guitar is coming into Canada. Everything I've bought from the US has come through in decent time, this is the first I've had to wait more than a few days. Oh and it's USPS, so I guess that slowed it up a bit there. 

      Actually now has me wondering about how long it might take getting items from the CBGitty shop as I needed a few build materials and I'm on the move in a month.  

    • wouldn't worry about it .  just  expect  a couple days extra when ordering  .   and indeed usps is  slower than ups, etc ..  but cheaper and ....  honest .;-)

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