Hi all, hope you find this interesting, its great when someone comes in and says "make my day" and I can.

Not only the heal give way but the neck failed too. Possibly not the best place to splice a neck?

This is a very common fail in old and modern guitars. The first thought of some is to run some glue into the damaged neck area and clamp it up. I get a lot of jobs where the owner or their mate has done this, like this one shown here. 

So regluing a previously glued joint without removing the old glue is doomed to failure.........at some point, I find.

So in cases like this I cut the damaged area out and rebuild the area. Of course if you are doing this and charging for it, you don't want the customer coming back, so you need a reliable repair. Its not the only way to do the repair, and I choose a method that suits a certain situation.


Thanks for looking Taff

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