Hi, I do not know what I am doing here so here goes. As I do not have access to photos or Videos etc at the moment I thought I'd try post a clip of me playing one of my old acoustics. It from my Business Facebook page. Or not.....here goes.


Does not look promising....just a bunch of letters and numbers. Well I tried, sorry to waist your time.


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  • Hi, thanks for your comments and advice guy's. I see that what I did to post a video did work, it threw me when I saw that link line in black when I did it, but I see it turned red (active) after I posted it.

    Facebook......hmmmm, I only use Facebook to share information about what I am doing in the workshop and what's coming out of it. I do not use it for any other purpose. I asked visitors to the page to email me if they require a responce. I did not want to get bogged down using it as I see others doing it.


  • Nice playing Taffy! 

    I belong to 46 different facebook groups. Everything to the fandoms I'm in to BBQ and Smoking meats. A good hand full of CBG facebook groups as well. Forums may bot be as active as they used to be. But they are still better at getting info. Things get berried quickly on an active facebook page. 

  • Nice. 

    That's a great sounding guitar Taff. Nice blues sound from that.

  • If you have Facebook Taff, you should join some Groups, there's a whole lot more activity than here... and pics/videos work.  : )

    Here are a few I belong to:

    Homemade Stringed Instruments
    Cigar box guitar Builders owners and players
    Fretless Cigar Box Guitars - Builders & Players Group

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