
  • That depends on what your looking for. If all you want to do is play on the back porch then the Pig Nose will do. Personally I'm avoiding any 'modeling' amp like the plague. Be far easier to replace a few pedals than an amp when that circuit craps out. 

    Doing some research on getting a small gigging amp myself. Surprising to me people are talking up Peavey Transtube amps. Surprising to me because the last Peavey I heard was in the 1980's and they were not good sounding at all. ( that was nice for just plain offal ) I own a Marshall, a Fender and now a Peavey. Check out their smaller amps in the Transtube line. I've seen them used for $50. Just make sure the amp says Transtube. These amps are built like tanks so there's plenty of the 80's stuff still around. 

    • I’m looking for a gigging amp too but not sure how a home made guitar sits with a state of the art modelling amp on stage?

      • Pickups are pickups and an amp is an amp. Even if your using piezos. I play piezos through my Marshall and they sound just like piezos. The amp doesn't discriminate against store bought stuff either. : )

  • That Yamaha amp sounds great and its a Modeling amp with several preset tones to choose from.

    I would also recommend looking at the Boss Katana 50 amp. They sell for 250 or less, Solid State, Preset tones, built in switchable output Attenuation down to 5 watts and built in effects. Can't beat that deal, it's light and it has a 12" speaker too.

  • $299 or $89? $299 is pretty steep for a 10 watt solid state amp? Jus sayin’

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