I have a old small cheap amp that has no effects just terrible, bass, volume, and tone.  I'm looking at getting something bigger and better for the festivals and craft shows.  What do you recommend, an amp that has built in effects (reverb, chorus, echo, etc), or should I get a regular amp, and get pedals to add the effects to the amp?

Also if you have recommendations which ones. I watched Shane's older video about all his pedals, just need to know what you all think.  Thanks.

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  • i have a micro cube , the effects are ok but you can only use 1 at a time. reverb or echo not both.

    i had an old digitech RP50 lying around and a amp with a blown board. my plan has been to replace the amp board with a 25W kit i built and use the RP50 as an effects front end... just a few technical things lict replicating 13 LED's and 6 switches..

  • Regular amp and choose your pedals. Spend your cash on the amp not the gimmicks. A good amp will make a good guitar sing. A good amp will make a bad guitar sound good. The more things they toss into something the more chances that something has to break. If a pedal goes on the blink you get a new pedal and still have a working amp. 

  • Hi, I don't know about others thoughts but for me I don't like the idea of having a range of pedals laid out at a craft show. Then again I don't want to walk back to the amp to switch effects at a festival either, hmmm. 

    What I use for my cbg rig is Vox acoustic amp two channel with built in reverb, reverb+chorus and Chorus and add my Ibanez tube screamer to that. 

    Or... I use my Pignose amp and go through my reverb pedal. the amp is dirty enough anyway. That's for the type of craft shows held here anyway.


  • A lot of members here use the Roland micro Cube amp, portable & has effects? 

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