
  • Really like the look of these and the vintage finish looks real nice :D

    Belcat V15G Vintage 15W Guitar Amp

    There under £40.00 om Amazon.

    Any thoughts?


    • I've ordered one :D

    • I think you found what you were looking for :D
  • You could also go with one or more of the Vox amPlug models: AC30, Classic Rock, Twin, Heavy Metal, Acoustic. Each around $30-40. Plugs right into your jack, runs for 12-15 hours on 2 AAA batts, has a headphone jack, gain, vol and tone controls. Cheep and cheerful.
  • get a  line  6  amp  15  watt .    

     yum yum .  lolots  of  preset effects   and  great sound . 

  • Judging from the other discussion you have going there it seems to me that you're only starting out playing. In which case, that's a real big amp. I mean, it's probably a great deal if you have to keep up with a drum kit or something.

    I'd really recommend something you can plug headphones in to as well as your guitar, because you'll probably get a lot more hours enjoyment out of it without feeling self conscious or annoying others. If you have a smart phone the iRig and garage band or whatever is pretty hard to beat for a combination of decent amp models and effects that fits in your pocket so you can get your rock on while strolling the park or whatever
  • I've had a look at it and it seems a bit bog to me?

    Anyone recommend a good practice amp?

    • Does it work, though? Didja put it through its paces?

      The Kid is spot on with the iRig advice. I record exclusively with the iRig mic and guitar dongle into an iPad with headphones, and re-amp practically every tune I do with the amp models in GarageBand and / or AmpliTube.

      Nother way to go is a small practice amp that runs on batteries. The Vox DA-5 and Roland Micro Cubes are pretty popular, relatively budget friendly, and have both amp modeling and built-in effects. eBay US has a DA-5 for $90; the Micro Cube is running for $25-150.
  • Ask him what's wrong with it ;-). Seriously, though, that's not a bad price. While It's overkill for a CBG (or any other guitar, for that matter, unless you play arena stages - it is a workingman's club gigging amp), at 40 pounds it's a steal. As long as it works properly.
    • Cheers I'll go and have a look at it :D

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