Wanna build a lap steel from a natural Myrtle plank with nice rough edge bark.
My problem: can't find a decent 8 string pickup that is reasonably priced. Supply and demand I suppose, but wow, the prices are crazy high.
Any leads on a good 8 string humbucker that is not obscenely expensive?
Here's what I just ordered...
Found this on ebay. They are from $20.00 to $300.00 a set. Please see https://www.ebay.com/itm/Black-8-String-Guitar-Pickup-Set-Double-Co... or https://www.ebay.com/itm/DiMarzio-8-String-PAF-Humbucker-Black-Whit... for bottom of line of quality 8 string pickups. I didn't even know they made them. Now I do thank you.
Hell, any 2 normal 6 string pickups wired the same way will work as well and be a lot cheaper
another idea: if you look at images of P-bases you will see they use a pair of mag pickups to span the distance across the strings.
You could take a pair of 4 string humbucker pickups, wired in parallel, and do the same.
Ebay has some for various prices - never used them so I am unable to say how good they are.
If you search for "8 string guitar pickup" and select "worldwide" for location you should see what else is on offer. Be aware if you buy from China via eBay they will take a while to arrive (to the UK anything from 1 to 5 weeks). In the UK anything over £15 attracts a handling fee and import duty, I don't know what the USA limits are.
David L.