CBGitty.com & Cigar Box Nation are looking for the WILDEST, LOUDEST & MOST DIABOLICAL electric cigar box guitar ever built. The more pickups, the more internal effects, the better! We’re looking for insane hot rods that could blow a Marshall stack. It’s time to push the cigar box guitar into the absurd! We will award C. B. Gitty gift certificates to the top five submissions as determined by our judges. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, November 3, 2024.
Your instruments will be judged on creativity, originality and overall coolness. Basically, we're be looking for the one CBG that gets makes people speechless!
We’re giving away $500 in Prizes:
◦ First place: $250 gift certificate to CBGitty.com & bragging rights
◦ Second place: $100 gift certificate to CBGitty.com
◦ Three runners-up: Each of the three runner's up will receive $50 gift certificates to CBGitty.com
RULES: Instrument must have the following criteria:
1. You must be the builder of the instrument and it must be have at least 1 cigar box in the body of the instrument.
2. It must be playable and contain at least one electric pickup.
3. You can submit both photos and videos of your entry.
4. Any instrument that has won a C. B. Gitty or CigarBoxNation.com contest in the past is ineligible.
5. Your submission must be entered before 11:59pm on November 3, 2024
HOW TO ENTER: Post photos and videos below (we suggest up to three photos and/or one video) of your instrument along with a 1 paragraph description to this group. You must post to this group or we will not see your submission elsewhere on Cigar Box Nation. The winning instruments will be chosen by our panel of judges and will be announced on the home page of CBGitty.com on November 12, 2024.
Any questions, email Shane Speal at sspeal@cbgitty.com
Here's the video of my Hot-Rodded Double-Neck CBG:https://youtu.be/zpw3Dcf9r1A?feature=shared
Adding some pics of my “Hot Rodded CBG”.

Hello, I’m Dr. Jimmy and this is my “Hot Rodded CBG” entry into the Build-off. I am recently retired and have built over 50 cigar box guitars. I’ve loved hot rods my whole life, so I decided to do a double-neck guitar based on the 1923 Ford T-bucket I used to own. I started with the CAO Flathead 770 box and used twin bolt-on necks, twin WickedBucker pups and twin chrome hard-tail bridges. The box was hardwood reinforced and due to the lid configuration, much of the work was done through a bottom access hole and through the exhaust pipes. I added dual exhaust tips, a Hurst shifter with vintage Rat Fink knob, velocity stack with a Holley bug screen sound hole cover inside. To kick it up a notch, I have the Ford V8 emblem off a 41 Ford, and enamel pins representing old skool racing stickers, including Rat Fink, Von Dutch, STP, Hurst, Hooker Headers, Edelbrock, Champion, Competition Cams, Thrush, and Valvoline. Both necks have great action and are tuned an octave apart. The sound is great due to the twin WickedBuckers. All in all, I am extremely pleased with the build!
It's still before midnight where i live, hopefully my last minute entry isnt to late.
This is a 4 string HOYO de MONTERAY with a walut neck and fret board that i built last winter. It has a humbucker and a rod piezo with an onboard preamp with a 3way switch, two volume and a master tone. It also has my signature .22 calibre fret markers bullet bridge and a moose pickguard/soundhole.

25" scale
Oliva Series "V" box
single coil pickup w/volume & tone
Shane Speal electric strings GDG
hand shaped poplar neck
Red Oak Fretboard with nails for frets
I am a beginner, but always focus on building accuracy. This guitar has proper tuning & intonation and sounds very good.
