1935 Limberjack Plans - Free Download

Cigar Box Nation member, Wade Costenbader recently posted photos and videos of his cigar box 'limberjack' toys, setting off renewed interest in these traditional Appalachian rhythm dancers.  (See our feature on Wade's creations here.)   A quick delve into this subject unearthed these historic plans from a Popular Mechanics article from 1935.

The Rollicking Rufus limberjack plans call for a pinewood toy body, a 3x4" wood base and a 1/8" springboard.  The article is light on specifics, but it appears that small nails are used to attach joints to the torso, making sure the limbs are drilled so that they freely move.  

Note the use of thick piano wire to use as a support.  A common low E bass string might be a good alternative.

If you have thoughts, questions or improvements to these historic plans, please post them below!

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  • As lead on the bottom of the shoes might not be considered healthy (likely the "flesh color" isn't politically correct either), attach a thumb tack to the bottom of the shoes instead, and put a bit of tin on the springboard. 

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