



Augusta, ME


November 15

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  • Hi dg,

    the sound of the  stand up bass is great. I used it for my track on the Christmas download. It is awkward to play as it was 'thrown together' purely for fun.....

  • hi dg i have a question i have a 1937 harmony with great solid birch body neck att,at 12 fret and sad as it it it bellied someone left it strung with flatwounds (the hardest pullin strings there is) so i lay a edge down frets and at bridge she has about 1/8 clearance off top way too thin for pin bridge i was wondering since the neck is perfect it swelled at bridge i dont know if you know what bellying is, lots dont. i didnt till i got this alls great, neck set it just fine the top up at bridge 1/8 in so i was thinking i better build a reso now you have built those what do you think?its a 13 in. bout can or do you know what to do think you would do any ideas? i love your builds and will respectfully take any advice you can muster up what do yu think 1937 decalorama harmony or a 37 reso i feel its shot unless a bridge is designed at 3/16 thick with pins and its too thin for string break what do you think? can you set a reso in top of acoustic? well you can choke this down see what you come up with thankyou Slim
  • cheers man, its a bummer to play on that guitar but don't want to mess with it cos it sounds real mean n rattly...lo-fi rules:0)
  • the time traveller tune is thru the line 6 ux2 audio recording thing, digital amp and effex. great fun:0)
  • thanks for yr comment dg, glad u like the tunage:0)
  • dg -- Loving your dulci #2 video. Nice tune and tone! Inspiring me to try making a CBD!Thanks for stoppin' in to my page to leave a comment; glad you like "Southbound". -- Bear 
  • thanks dg
  • Thanks for the nice comments dg. NIce stuff you are doing, keep it up.
  • thanks, just experimenting really, more to come yet.
  • I was checking out the pics of your CBG build.  You have a cool three pole pickup on there and the neck you built looks very cool.
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