Can you wire two piezo pickups in series like you can single coil pickups? If so would it work to simply wire the ground of one to the jack/switch/knob/etc. then wire that hot from that pickup to the ground of the other pickup's ground wire, and wire that pickups hot to back to the jack/switch/etc.? If you do this will it double the output as it does with coils? Thanks.

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  • two in series seem to settle down the "quacking" a lot and... allows for some tone shaping that is not possible with a single... that being said, if tone is a goal, just go with a wound pup....Wichita Sam
  • Well, since they are physically wired as a series... I don't see what's not to get. one wired into another, then into the output jack. It works...


    jim said:
    hmmmmmm, series??? what dont you understand?

    Andrew Smith said:
    according to my experimenting, two in series is much loader than one by itself. so that's good enough for me. I just need a rig that will hold it's own playing along side my tele pups that are in my 6 string cigarster. If anyone is interested in seeing it, here are pics, thanks for the replys.

    and my new project:
  • hmmmmmm, series??? what dont you understand?

    Andrew Smith said:
    according to my experimenting, two in series is much loader than one by itself. so that's good enough for me. I just need a rig that will hold it's own playing along side my tele pups that are in my 6 string cigarster. If anyone is interested in seeing it, here are pics, thanks for the replys.

    and my new project:
  • according to my experimenting, two in series is much loader than one by itself. so that's good enough for me. I just need a rig that will hold it's own playing along side my tele pups that are in my 6 string cigarster. If anyone is interested in seeing it, here are pics, thanks for the replys.

    and my new project:
  • OK, youall. heres a little incite to piezos and how thay work as a pick up and not as a buzzer. Flexing a piezo disk in one direction , creates a low current / high voltage to one lead. Then flexing in the other direction creates a low current/ high voltage to the other lead, That being said, thier is no specific positive or negative side to a piezo. You can test this for your self using a multimeter on the lowest dc volt setting.
  • Yes I did with no problemswit 3 piezo disks and I get a great sound.
  • Hi,
    I wire them in parallel because if a problem develops with one disc the others will still work. I know from previous posts some do it in series.
    Good luck and let us know how you get on :o)
  • check this out
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