so i am wondering how to go about pulling off a scarf joint(i think that is what it is called) to give my headstock an angle do i need to use pins or some type of mechanical joint or do i just butt one piece against the other and glue... also what kind of clamping jig should i use to laminate my headstock back to the neck...or am i totaly off base and i should just make the neck/headstock out of one piece of wood...and what kind of sawing jig to get the right angle...i have lots and lots of questions so any info would help... i just want to get that angle and not waste alot of wood
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If your table saw blade is nice and square, the amount of sanding/planing/"fixing" is minimal. I mark a pencil line through both pieces of the neck when perfectly aligned, and then glue and clamp the pieces to the table using the pencil line to watch for movement.-WY
Nathan King said:
Check out his post on scarf joints: and be sure to read his other stuff. Very knowledgeable, and very helpful.
Plus, he talks about luthier ninjas living in the mountains of Paraguay. How cool is that?! :-)
For glueing I've found the easiest way is to first clamp/glue fretboard on, then glue in headstock while neck & headstock are clamped to the table. The fretboard stops the headstock from sliding up-neck, a stop can prevent it from sliding down-neck, and the clamps to the table keep it true.
Works great until you clamp a wider headstock to a narrower-neck. I'm planning to build a jig to help with that.
You can build a jig that would work with a table saw, but make sure it will hold your instrument neck while keeping your fingers WELL CLEAR of the blade, eh?