Hey CBG-ers. I am attempting my first scarf joint, and had a few questions.
When finishing your scarf joint (all glued together), how much of a seam can you still see, none at all, easily see or just a little.
If you do have a seam after finishing the gluing, what are you methods for making the seam not so apparent? Will painting or staining take care of it?
I can`t get my hands on any good gorilla glue here in Japan. BUT I think what I am using is pretty strong. Do many of you who DO NOT use gorilla glue have good results with your joints?
I am following the tutorial in the HOW TO SECTION of the website. Are there any other tutorials that any of you follow that might have some added insite?
Am I thinking too much on this, or should I just go with it?
Thanks for your time. And happy building to all of you.

Douglas Eric Marsalis said:Douglas Eric Marsalis said:

You apply a 1/4" fingerboard to the top of the neck and put a bit of that same stock on the back of the neck at the head. That way you get enough break angle over the nut and enough thickness to add your tuners, all without a table saw or a band saw.headstock with a very steep angle. Most are 7-10 degrees. Lutes and such have a much more angled headstock.
Douglas Eric Marsalis said:
cbg 003.JPG
3-stringers 003.JPG
It does a pretty good job keeping the soles of my old wading boots attached...