I've bought a 'hot rail' type humbucker on ebay, a cheapie from hong kong, I know very little about pickups but to know what to do with it I need to figure out which wire is the start and finish of the winding right? The colours on the wires seem a bit strange, from the 'north' coil there's black and yellow and from the 'south' coil there's white and red, this doesn't seem to correspond to any standard pickup setup even if you substitute the yellow for green on here:
the wires coming fom the top of the pickup are black on one side and white on the other, is that a clue? Is there a left and right convention? I'll be using another single coil pickup as well, what happens if I end up guessing and wiring the humbucker 'backwards'? Will that mean that the humbucker and single coils will be 'out of phase' or is that something else?
Attaching pictures, they will probably make more sense than my rambling...
Black, yellow, white, red:
White on this side:
Black on this side:
I love the hot rail pick ups I wired them into my strats but never on a cbg man. I would love to hear what it sounds like when finished. Good luck
This video helped me to figure out the same problem, had to watch it about 3 times but that was just me and might be to much info for the question. Excellent video for the newbie.
Cheers Ron.
I have just wired a similar one into my last CBG
I also had a spare one so not sure how exactly the coils are wound inside but on the multimeter they run
Yellow to Black
White to Red
So It is something like this
Comparing to Seymour duncan
SD = Blade
Black = Yellow
White = black
Red = Red
Green = White
I have wired 3 of these types so far all with the Esquire wiring
and been really pleased with the results.
Series = good
Parallel = bit weaker but slightly more treble
Split = amazing surprise - rock monster (I have split normal humbuckers and just got a quieter output but this has an output boost and it did the same on all 3 I wired this way. I did read others on the SD forums got similar results on coil tapping blade pickups but haven't been able to find out why apart from this which doesn't give a detailed reson http://www.andersonguitars.com/support/split.cfm)
Hi, thanks so much for this info, I wired this as a normal humbucker in series (I think):
The result I got is low output and thin sound as compared to the 'bridge' single coil pickup, the opposite of what I expected, as to be pretty much unusable. The other pickup is better quality I think, but there is a REALLY significant difference in sound, could this be just due to the quality or must it be my wiring gone wrong? The sound sounds like the description of an 'out of phase' sound, thin, nasal, weak, so I think I'm going to try to link the two coils the other way round, so:
If that doesn't work I'm not sure what to do...
If you rewire like that it should give you the humbucker in series.
If you are able to try connecting yellow to + black only to - that will give you the cut coil louder sound
yellow and white to + red and black to - will give you the parallel sound
I think you wired them out of phase first time which cuts some of the sound wave - is it a bit of a quacking sound?
I think these are brilliant little pickups.
Hi again, getting some more of these from the suntekstore and I'm getting curious about testing the different wirings, what kind of switch can I use, do I need a push/pull pot or what, how does it work...?
It depends on how many options you want from one switch.
I like to get series/single coil/parallel options from one switch and I have wired 4 as per the Seymour Duncan Esquire diagram http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php... and I am just doing one now with a mini toggle on/on/on switch with this diagram http://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/wiring_diagram_downloads/3-way-humbu....
Here shows how an on/on/on mini toggle works http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php...
and how a push/pull or on/on switch works http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php...
Rewired and got the humbucker sound I wanted!
Thanks again for your help, I'll certainly be trying the other options at a later stage, at the moment I don't have a switch for it and I'm so excited to have this bad boy up and running so I'll leave the hardwiring the way it is...
Thanks again from a very happy camper, for the wiring AND the cheap website to get some more...