Hi, I managed to find some time to do a few builds, here is one of them.
A Box Violin. The body is made from packing case timber. I made the the neck in Tassie Oak, the fingerboard and Tailpiece are Black Wattle, chinrest is Mulga, bridge is Maple and the pegs are Ebony. These last two parts I did not make.
Inside is a bass bar and soundpost as per standard violins.
Sound….? yes, it makes a sound.
It sounds like a violin. Whereas Box CBG style guitars do not sound like a full guitar, this sounds exactly like a student grade violin. I am incredibly surprised at the volume this thing puts out. The shape is obviously different but other violin specs have been loosely followed.
It is actually part of a matching set of instruments all using the same theme in materials, and from the same timber batch. A 5string banjo, 3 string CBG and this fiddle.
Thanks for looking Taff.

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  •  I'd love to hear that ensemble, Taffy! Beautiful work, as always.

  • I like the old world look it has Taff!!

  • Hi BrianQ, thanks, no it's 4/4 size. Close to the same inside volume, with slightly higher sides to make up for the lack of "belly" in top or back.

  • Nice!! 3/4 size?

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