I could only find a 1/4" stereo chassis mounted socket in our local hi-fi shop and was wondering if this will be ok for mono output as it has more solder tabs? Also a piezo question, I have a piezo out of a smoke alarm which has 3 wires soldered to it instead of 2, a red wire soldered to the middle pad, a green wire soldered to the outer metal disc, and a third white wire soldered to another area of the middle pad within a conductive track that runs in a T shape. Should I cut the white wire off? I am becomming more and more obsess with making this thing come to life, help!

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  • Hi just tried your test and its a live piezo also soldered in the other (white) wire to the inner pad. Many many thanks to you all this site is fantastic everyone really helpful.

    David Lloyd said:

    Regarding the piezo - it sounds like a self drive type more info here http://www.murata.com/catalog/p15e6.pdf the extra wire is for making the oscillating siren noise and has no effect on using the disc as a pickup. You could wire up as you suggest but before cutting the extra wire try adding it to the middle pad wire and see if it increases the output.

    A quick way to check the piezo is OK is just hold the wires to an electric guitar jackplug linked to an amp and talk into it- careful the wires don't ping off the disc though.

    Sounds like you will be generating life pretty soon.
  • you can also just wire up the piezo and see if it works before installing it. it is really just a microphone. Plug it all into an amp and tap it, that will let you know if there are any issues.
  • Hi,

    Regarding the piezo - it sounds like a self drive type more info here http://www.murata.com/catalog/p15e6.pdf the extra wire is for making the oscillating siren noise and has no effect on using the disc as a pickup. You could wire up as you suggest but before cutting the extra wire try adding it to the middle pad wire and see if it increases the output.

    A quick way to check the piezo is OK is just hold the wires to an electric guitar jackplug linked to an amp and talk into it- careful the wires don't ping off the disc though.

    Sounds like you will be generating life pretty soon.
  • Fergus Morris said:
    stereo sockets work fine. if you solder the two positive terminals together and the two negative terminals together it is just like a mono one. Don't know about the piezos, sorry!

    It'll work fine , but there's only one "positive" for the "tip" , unless you're using a stereo input plug/cord. If you solder any of the others to it ,that will ground it .

    Jack anatomy & pics
  • many thanks

    Fergus Morris said:
    stereo sockets work fine. if you solder the two positive terminals together and the two negative terminals together it is just like a mono one. Don't know about the piezos, sorry!
  • stereo sockets work fine. if you solder the two positive terminals together and the two negative terminals together it is just like a mono one. Don't know about the piezos, sorry!
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