Midnight Special - STEEBOS cover

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I've been practicing every day for just under seven months. This is the first song I can sing & play at the same time. (I do not own any rights to this song)

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  • Nice stuff,.Playing and singin  together take a while. I learned to not think bout the guitar,that seemed to help .Keep up the good work.

  • You have a great voice, perfect song cover for your singing and playing

  • Nicely done

  • sounds like your getting it , just takes lots of practice and time but you will get it and be able to add to that list of songs, keep up the good work

  • Thanks again dudes!

  • Well done!  That's loads better than when I was at 7 months!

  • Thanks guys!  Sorry about the low light. I really only recorded this for myself to see how I was doing. After I watched it I realized I didn't screw it up too bad so I decided to share. 

  • Well done!

  • Good for you!   The practice paid off.  EXCELLENT.   Good singing with feeling.  Nice pace.  Good accompaniment.   One of the great songs too. 

  • Wow, it’s taken me 50 years to do as well. Great play and vocal Steebos. Shine a little more light on you though.

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