Lesson: "Personal Jesus" played John Lee Hooker style on OPEN G cigar box guitar

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TUNING: OPEN G (GDG) Stubby slide: http://stubbyslide.com Shane Speal official: http://shanespeal.com

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  • Hey Shane: always lovin' yer lessons and enthusiasm. Obviously you have a wide range of musical interests. That's the only way to go. It is ALL great! I have been building cigar box guitars and selling them and I turn EVERYBODY on to your lessons and playing online. You, Chicken Bone John, Mike Snowden, Justin Johnson, the Australian crowd, Uncle John, and the rest of our gang- what else do we need? Screw dem politicians! I mean ALL of them. As Jimi said back in the '60's during the Vietnam war: 'they had the guns, but we had the geetars'. The Greeks had it all figured out. They considered music the highest art form because it was there and transported you to another place, and then it was GONE! And you had to fight and scrap to get that feeling back. Cigar box guitars are a kind of revolution against the slick, Silicon Alley, Wall Street propaganda  that sucks everyone into a vortex of consumerist claptrap. Build it and they will come! As Miles Davis said about John Lee Hooker when recording 'The Hot Spot' with him, 'that boy is down in the mud- the Mississippi Mud!' That is a complement coming from the Prince of Darkness, who knew a thing or too about mud!  Think about this: Shane combines Depeche Mode with John Lee Hooker. Is that insane? Nope!  Keep it up Shane- great job!

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