Just like you do

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vintage fatboy mic- modded in the States by Chris at mutantmics.comamp-smokeyamps.comcigar box-sent over from the States by Darren 'big daddy' Dukes.neck-B&Q bannister railsong written yesterday in the kitchen.

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  • thanks man-sometimes I prefer this version to the album one tell ya the truth.

  • nice cool version mr hollowbelly .cool

  • cheers.
  • Really enjoying your music! Too Cool!
  • ONCE AGAIN --- AWSOME JOB BROTHER / Peace --Arnie Rydberg
  • i like me gusta tu mussica ... www.myspace.com/electrohardguitar
  • cheers dudes :0)
  • hi hollowbelly, love this sounds great, nice beard in tother vid.all the best oogi
  • awesome playing and singing. great!
  • yesterday in the kitchen hehehe! cool i like it - thats one catcy tune Bro , sorry i only just made a comment thought i'd left one before oh well it's done now
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