How to Film a Good Cigar Box Guitar Video - by Shane Speal

Views: 350
Get Embed Code Shout out to C. B. Gitty for the fantastic line of Illustrated Guitars. More info at

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  • Yup Shane. I'm guilty of most of the wrong things you point out. I hope you saw this one

  • Thanks Shane. I'm just starting to post videos and needed this tutorial. My first video (a stompbox I built with speakers) was a big flop. I now know why. Y'all are always teaching and I am always will to learn. Keep up the good work.

  • Nice tips. I always cut my face out because when I first came around here, I saw alot of folks doing that, and thought that was the norm for some reason, LOL.

  • Thanks Shane. I hope the sight will let us see. We have so many talented Nation musicians and builders. It has become my only source for videos (and YouTube).
  • Excellent tips and playing!!

  • There's some problems with videos (and distorted pictured) because of our servers,  from what I hear, they're doing some big time work on hardware and stuff to improve things.  I can only hope!  *crossing fingers*

  • I'm with Richard. Make it so we all can see all the videos. I get a blank like Richard about a third of the time. Thanks for the good tips. I'll try some. That's Dave Lynas, builder and player on Cigar Box Nation. Catch me there!
  • Good Vid Shane with some great hints to take on board  :-) 

  • Really excellent points Shane! I’ve done my fair share of crouch angle shots. It is for me and maybe a lot of guys, limited space to record in or to get the best sound, you have to record close, therefore the headless shots. Great points about keeping the camera slightly higher, that might help with the limited space. A video suggestion for the future, and forgive me if you’ve already covered this, is to show how to post a video on YouTube, then post it to the Nation. We with iPads and perhaps iPhones miss out on a lot of videos posted directly to the Nation. I don’t know if it’s just Apple products, but you get a blank screen and no audio. Thanks for your instructive videos, loaded with good information.
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