Home made bone slide demo

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When I got my 3 string Red Dog CBG, the strings were so far apart that my favourite bone slide, made by Randy Bretz wasn't quite long enough...so I decided to make a longer one myself : -)Here's a short demo ....it seems to have ended up being a sort of Delta bluesy version of House Of The Rising Sun?!Excuse me clonking on the frets a bit!...it has D,G and B strings on it, but is tuned down to A,E,A so the strings are a bit loose, and I'm not quite used to how chunky the slide is!There are some photos of the slide here:http://www.cigarboxnation.com/photo/albums/home-made-bone-slide

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  • do it!

  • I'd love to make one of these.
  • well I got a beef bone from a pet stall on the market. It had some disgusting smelling gunk inside which I scooped out and it then took several days of soaking in different things to get rid of it : -/ so I'd recommend going to a butcher and getting a marrow bone if you can.

      Anyway just saw a bit off to the length you want (I used a hacksaw) Luckily my bit was exactly the right size inside for my finger, so apart from filing away a couple of sharp bits I didn't have to do any more on the inside : -)

       Then I just filed it to shape (I warn you bone dust smells pretty bad so a mask is a good idea!) Then I used gradually finer files, then sandpaper, going finer and finer. I then I polished it several times...you can use various things but I used some guitar polish that I had lying around...and that's it!! LOTS of work, but I use this slide a lot so it was worth it.

    If you don't have the time to make one check out Randy Bretz's slides https://www.cbgitty.com/cubecart/mojobone-slides/cat_13.html  if you want to ask him about them here's his hand made clubhouse page http://handmademusic.ning.com/profile/RandySBretz ...also he knows a LOT more about making them than I do, lol!!

  • How do you make a bone slide?
  • aha tis you! (a great and much underused word is tis!!)...have a good sleep : -)
  • Youtube ?...Holsteins !?! What the heck are you talking about ? Just awakened by a great thunderstorm.
    Yes tis I. (i so rarely get to use the word "tis") lol. Good to "meet" you. I'm back off to Nod-land, seeya' later. :-)
  • Hi Wally, is that You from YouTube??...or are you coincidentally the second person today to tell me about the wonderful Holsteins,lol!
  • Holsteins make the best captured audience. They love music and have a great sense of humor.
    Hey..., I'm just sayin'. ;-) - Wally
  • Beautiful sound and song!
  • thanks Warren, yeah part of the smell was just from the bone, but the worst smell was from the gunk the pet shop people had put inside it...god know what it was!!! No, no cows,lol
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