Harbor Shuffle Cannery Blues

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A fusion instrumental featuring a Swampy Witch and a Big Payback DMR CBG. Filmed in Monterey, California

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  • When we get alone, I collab with myself. Riffery, I like that Ambrose! Thank you very much for the nice comments!

  • That sounded great Rich. A collaboration with yourself and two fine gits! Well turned out and balance... Riffery!!

  • Oh those flashy eyes. Swampy likes! Thank you Nancy!

  • 2856908719?profile=RESIZE_710xWonderful Fusion Richard Swampy rules!!!! Meeowwww^..^

  • Thank you very much Danny! 

  • outstanding job combining the 2 different guitars

  • I will use it wisely Pick, as it is in such short supply. Thanks my friend!

  • gud stuff indeed .  yes ,, use your  new power wisely . ;-)


  • I used Dave’s ceramic slide with both guitars Derek. One side is worn a bit from hundreds of hours, so the sand grit grabs just a bit for a rougher sound. But I’m always cautious not to rub the Witch wrong. Pick warned me, but I found out the hard way. That’s my favorite part you pointed out, the counter melody. I have always enjoyed bands with two guitars not necessarily doing the same thing, but contrary. Two halves don’t always make a whole, but it’s different and fun as hell! Thank you very much!

  • Dave, I once pointed my index finger at a dolphin and he mistakenly took it as a finger of friendship gesture. Rooster of the Sea, I like that and may use that generosity in the future. I used your ceramic slide on the Witch, she likes it rough! Can’t go to far wrong using sea and beach videos. Thank you very much Dave, I’m glad you liked it! Promise a quieter video next so you can readjust the volume and caffeine intake.

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