1970 Olds F85 Daydreamin. Derek Rose & Richard Sundberg

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Rick’s highway driving music and Derek’s reminiscing on vocals, harp, and CBG.

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  • love that body style, that was a very classy car, great video great vocals and pickin

  • Anytime, my pleasure Derek!

  • The Olds Cutless was a warhorse! That’s great mileage for a 2003 GPT Nancy! Never owned one, but I always liked Pontiacs. It looks like a cat drives a Mustang hard right ha! Great comments and visuals Nancy, thank you!

  • Thanks guys and Richard especially for letting me play along :-)

  • Cool cars Nancy and thank you!

  • hmmmm the more I think about it that olds was a 71...I'm a Pontiac Kat... Grand Prix should have kept making them! I have had two.. Still driving my GPT 2003 its only got 53,480 miles on it...Meowww^..^

  • 2647928910?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • 2647899791?profile=RESIZE_710xHey excellent video guy's! ...just met a guy who painted and showed those beauties! He still keeps the pics in his car..(I had a 69 Cutlass I called the Warhorse long story lol same gold paint job).....Fun entertainment Meeowwww^..^

  • Now the ‘71 Firebird was a hot car Denbo! I had a 68 Camaro in 1971, got drafted and joined the AF, my wire sold the Camaro for her moms Buick station wagon when I was overseas, I wasn’t too happy ha! Derek took us back to those great days of cars and times. Thanks Dennis!

  • Thanks Derek for a  great story about your car you had in your youth. Reminded me of my first car, a 56 Chev sedan. Perfect additions of vocals , CBG, and harp! You pumped a lot of soul in this, a big thank you, as always my friend!

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