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  • Hi, Micheal I have actually done what you said - thought the there was a link to the other pics...  Jim I will patent the Splodobridge ; )


  • If you lightly scribe around the bridge then use the edge of a chisel to scrape away the finish/glue(from your line inwards) then use Titebond to glue on your bridge you will have no probelems.

    I painted the fronts of no's 17/18 then did this to add the bridges

  • Thanks guys, never doubt my ability to build something that goes "ping" however. Will return this morning and see if its still in one piece when I get home
  • looks like you got it now
  • thanks John - did consider it (along with other options) I have put bracing strips of wood behind the bridge. and the screws n nuts a a good idea. Might just try lighter strings first - lol I think I have a 46 or 52 for the bass string... might be part of the problem... but it sounds great...
  • Not much point in gluing it back if you're not going to tune the strings up - sorry for stating the obvious. Just a thought. If you were really nervous and wanted some sort of insurance, how about adding a couple of brass round headed machine screws going through the box to nuts and large washers inside. Position the screws hearer the tail part of the bridge as that is where the lifting force is at it's greatest. That is probably going way over the top, but it might give the required feeling of reassurance.

    Just a thought.

  • Nope wasn't too hard to fix but am a bit nervous about retensioning the strings.... I can sooo see why through necks are the way to go...
  • Dang...that should not be too difficult to remedy though...
  • Very true. Always another lesson to learn.
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