Inexpensive canjos for kids

Anyone have some building plans and scale templates for a diatonic canjo?

Trying to come up with a simple, easy to build, an inexpensive one for a bunch of elementary school kids (maybe twenty of them) to build and decorate. One stringer, no frets, and a hardware store eye hook (or something similar) for a tuning peg. Need to keep cost way down. I'll probably pre-cut and pre-drill everything, and mark the fret positions, then they can paint or decorate the neck themselves. Might use dowels, or 1 x 2's for the necks.

If anyone has spare strings (any gauge) or tuning pegs they would like to donate, comment here, or email me at

I'll be doing this for free as a volunteer at the local library, and there is no budget available at this time, so material donations are welcome.


Jack Murphy

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  • I made some for my sons class. i used some scrap 1"x1" pine, i secured a soda can to the wood by sandwiching the can between the board and a 2" piece of a wooden ruler inside the can. i used fishing line with a washer tied to the end as the string and the eye bolt tuner. each one was a couple bucks. i used a file to remove the top of the can so it wouldnt be sharp and secured the string to the bottom if the can. i used the normal 25" scale the fishing line made a good sound but it stretched alot so it took a couple tunings hope this helps
  • I have hundreds of unused new strings.,.,any thing from.008 to.052 .,.,message me and I can donate to the cause.,.,let me know what else you might need.,.,tons of junk around my shack.,.,,

  • My very first comment on CigarBoxNation since joining this morning (After almost 20 years of messing with this craft/hobby/calling I am delighted to be on board!): Use two strings! A taste of that “real banjo” experience of a drone string will inspire some of those young’uns to keep going.
  • Here’s a pdf of a 21” scale template ,complete with fret markings. Shorter scale could mean shorter pieces of wood could be utilized? As for the Diatonic fretting, just think of the Major scale? Mark frets 2-4-5-7-9-11-12 & that coupled with the open note , should cover octaves. I have done this kind of thing before & it is very rewarding to see kids get excited about using their creative minds. Best of luck to you, I hope it all works out for you Jack :D

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