Good weekend selling

Fall festivals are upon us here in the Midwest.  I had a ball selling at the Cumberland Bridge Festival in Matthews, Indiana.  I was the only vendor doing cbg, 8 string guitars, and music-related accessories including pick wall art and guitar neck coat racks.  The customers were really receptive to the handmade stuff. 

Sold plenty, including the prototype for my shovel guitar builds.  Along with the 3 string guitars, I sold cbg kits for folks with the diy attitude.  Those were great for folks who weren't up for paying the asking price of a handmade instrument, but were up for getting their hands dirty and building one themselves.  People are more invested in an instrument that they build.  Getting ready for the next market this Saturday.  Planning on a pair of crutch guitars as attention-getters.  Gotta have something to get people to stop and look.


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  • We had a “No Stairway” sign in our store?

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