Confession of my Addiction!

My Names is Leadfoot and I have an addiction!


They say the first part of recovery is to admit you've got a problem and I have to admit that I have an addiction! Last night  after coming off stage at the Icklesham Beer Festival I had a realisation just how serious my problem has become. I'm completley hooked on playing Cigar Box Guitar Rock Blues live! Playing on a big stage and through a professional PA with Sound and Light engineers was a real buzz and rush. I loved being up on that stage and playing through a wall of amps and speakers rocking out! Pub gigs will never be the same now after gracing a big stage and event and I need another fix! Fingers was his usual calm collected self having done it all a million times before! It was a fantastic experience and I'm so looking forward to playing at the Cambridge Cigar Box Festival and the Paris Festival. I'll post a video when I recieve it!.


We got some amazing feed back from last nights gig / festival - people saying things like "cant believe the sound from that suitcase foot drum and junkyard guitar" "man that was a lot of sound for two guy's professing to play on junkyard instruments" "I heard you before I saw you and thought it was a full band playing and was shocked to see just two blokes playing and then realised what you where playing with!" "I've died and gone to heaven - there is life after death" "that just f*ckin rocked"!


Fingers is currently developing and putting together a Cigar Box Bass Guitar instructional DVD at present for any budding bassists in between his UK and USA session work. If your into bass and want to learn from one of the top session players world wide keep watching this space. Having had the pleasure and honor of playing alongside Fingers for quite awhile now I'm always amazed at the guy's talent. I've never heard him play a bum note (wish I could say the same about me) and can only describe him as the love child of Eddie Van Halen and Lemmy Killmiester. If you can make it to the Cambridge Cigar Box Festival or the Paris Festival it's worth going just to see and hear him doing his thing.


Now back to my confession - will I go into rehab to be weened of Cigar Box Rock Blues Live giging? Hell no - theres far worse things I could be doing lol!


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  • It's a good addiction and you an excellent, igniting performer.  And you will likely get even better.  Hope it stays fun.

  • Hey, LT!

    I dunno...that Melanie might distract the crowd, but the Missus would definitely put 'em off their feed.
    Best go with what you know.
  • Cheers Oily,

    I'd pay to have Melanie and Missus Ticklebush dancing naked on stage with me next time :)! Sounds like a hell of a show.

  • "Hiiiii, Leeeaaaadddd..."

    "OK, group, this is Mr. Lead Foot's first time here, so let's give him a big hug, and then perhaps he'll tell us all abo...erm, excuse me...err, Mr...Foot, is it? What precisely do you think you're doi...nonononono, you're most certainly not allowed to play that thing in here; there are suffering and recovering addicts in this roo...oh, well, I suppose that's alright, then, if it's just a wee slide...umm, yes, Melanie?"


    "Nooo, Melanie, you may not take your clothes off. Yes, Missus Ticklebush?"


    "I see. I suppose you're right, Missus Ticklebush, we must have a vote. Alright, how many of you want to dance naked to Mr. Foot's wee slide? I see. *sigh*"

  • Welcome to the Club,Steve!'s the best fun you can have with yer clothes on... (-;

    lookin' forward to Cambridge - hope the Pub is as big inside as it looks outside, and Col has a mega PA system!

    .....NOIZE !! (-;

  • I got to get that tattooed Clocky!

  • No thats cool!

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