Hi there everyone.
Tomorrow is the big day of the Christmas Workshop with my guitar students. The traditional thing to do in Norway where I live is to make decorations of wood and felt, but we will make electric cigar box guitars, with single coil pick up and everything. The students are 11-15 years old and are quite excited. A friend of mine have pre-fabricated CBG-kits for us, so this will actually be a reasonably simple task. I will post some photos on my blog, and on this one as well if there are any interest for it. I did a similar project a couple of years ago with acoustic CBG, and it was a huge success.
Oh, and by the was, that's my home made 9V cigar boks from a Ruby Amp-kit in the last picture (from www.rubyamp.com)
The workshop was a success! Two and a half hour was just enough time, but my mate Claudio Forlini (www.forliniguitars.com/) had done a fine job preparing everything for us. Some of the kids had a dad to help out, and they were really helpful and made things run smoothly. Last time I did something like this it was without the parents, and I had to help A LOT and the kids had to spend too much time waiting for me. Last time the CBGs were acoustic, and had only 5 frets... This time electric and 21 frets. I will upload the very first sound of the first kid plugging in if it's OK with the parents. And Wayne, I agree with you - a workshop like this can really ignite something in these kids, and make their attitude towards music more playful.

this is a cool great project !
i really wish and intend to organised something like this for the kids in my neighbourhood in some years; when i will have more experience in cbg;
i wish you good luck and can't wait to see some pics!
Hello!!! My name is Wayne Sorbelli and I own Island Guitar in Key West Florida and Wayne's World Music in Dallas, Pa and sell and play Cigar Box Guitars as well as all other guitars, basses, drums, etc - and I think that your student workshop is the BEST idea for my little island music shop as well - I think that it would really inspire many of my students and help inspire those kids that didn't know MUSIC can be so much fun - even the craft of making an instrument can be fun!! Katfish Karash is a local Key West CBG builder and has helped me musically inspire my own children by suggesting that I build one with them - and it worked - they both LOVE music more than ever right now!
Last summer we did a Key West ukulele camp for a week, a few hours each day, and all 15 participants (ages 6-13) played a few songs on the uke by the end of the week - AND it had inspired a few children to keep going forward with the ukulele - AND inspired a few students to take up interest in the guitar!! Like the ukulele camp, I think a Cigar Box Guitar building camp will be in the near future for my Key West AND Dallas Music stores!
"Live the Music" - Wayne Sorbelli
It is great to keep kids involved in music, and to teach them the basics of instrument construction. Using the cigar boxes really helps keep the costs down.
Thanks Dan. Pics will be posted. By the way, to simplify things I made a few tabs for my student CBGplayers together will other CBG related stuff on my blog: http://cigarboxguitar-norway.blogspot.no/
That is awesome!! We would love to see pictures of the event.