No CBG content, but I know some of you are Trekkies.

No CBG content, but I know some of you are Trekkies.
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  • Actually .. I believe this device is used to get rid of ... "the Captain's log " . 


  • Steve, I humbly bow to your superior knowledge of the subject - I yield the throne to you.

  • Any self-respecting Trek fan will tell you that this is shaped more like the Original Romulan vessels, first shown in "Balance of Terror, " with Mark Lenard starring. (He eventually went on to play Sarek, Spock's father in later episodes as well as several movies)

  • :)

  • Comes with Star Trek toilet paper .. (The best for  wiping  kcling-ons " from Uranus)


  • :)

  • Have never been a Trekkie or a Trickky Truckky  :-D

  • :) 


     Thanks Uncle!

  • Affirmative Captain... I'll try not to get in a "flap" about it.

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