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  • Thanks for the ideas Kenneth. We used it for small venues around 3 or 4 on the dial at the most. The little buggers are loud! He never ran it wide open. He has bigger amps for that. I'll pass this on to him.
  • Yea, I love this amp with my peavy guitars, its like sweet honey coming through the speaker.The possible solution could be the tubes crapped out. That's if he ran full volume or ran it hard all the time. That's what usually tends to go first before any of the other components. I would test out the tubes first before tearing into the whole head. I think it is like 3-4 screws to take off the back panel and the tubes are right there hanging. Just be safe taking them out, cause I know they hold a charge up to like a week verses solid state semi-conductors.
  • After 3 years of gigging, my lead player's Epi amp 'like yours' died this last Fri night on stage. Was a great little amp while it lasted! We haven't torn into it to see why yet...
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