AGP #360 - ''Saxon''

AGP #360 - “Saxon” - (3 String Shovel Guitar)Scale : 635mm / 25 inchesStrings : .0.46NW / .030NW / .020NW /Tuning : G / D / g /The cheapest Garden Spade available at the local Hardware Store $14.50AUD, a 2.1k MGB Micro Flat Pup (a little Mag Pup with a big voice!) is hardwired to the Output Jack.Everybody has to have one of these Builds right?, I now have one, and I can tell you there won’t be another, what a Pain in the Arse drilling into the tempered steel is, being a cheap Chinese buy, I thought the quality would be low, and easy to drill, “WRONG!”, the tempering seemed to vary in different parts of the Blade, could drill one hole relatively easy, and struggle like heck drilling another one 2 inches away.I struggle a bit with the high action, will probably lower it a bit, or just use it as a Lap Steel type build.:-)
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  • Yep! 'UJ', I know you and me have the same opinion of Photo and Video Bombing, don't know about yourself, but they usually just get a quick glance from me as I flick through them. :-)

  • "Thanks Andries", I ain't no Justin Johnson but will have a go some time in the future, did do a bit of research on Utube Etc., of other Builders Shovel making methods, including Justin J's, but no mention of how they go about drilling holes into the blade, however one Aussie, who has built abt 25 of them, justified the price he was asking, was due to the amount of Drill Bits used!.  :-)  

  • see you went for the shovel, believe Johnson sells them by the dozen, and the sound he gets from them is amazing cant wait to see your demo !

  • I agree, Keith.
  • "Thanks Keith", It's my method of keeping "Photo Bombing" down to a minimum, it's easy enough to do, using the Word and Snipping Tool that is part of the Windows 10 Operating System. :-) 

  • I like how you share your pictures. Wish more did it this way. Another quality build.

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