


Cardiff, Wales


June 27

Bow for cigar box fiddle

Hi everyone. Help please. Mostly I make diddley bows but recently I acquired a box that lends itself to a fiddle so I built a one-string cigar box fiddle. So far so good. However, I want to make a small bow to play the instrument (I would prefer not…

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Hole cutters

Hi guys Can anyone suggest the right kind of hole saw/cutter to use with my electric hand drill for cutting sound holes etc in cigar boxes? The drill bits I have of the larger sizes are tearing the wood although they are new and reasonably sharp.…

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Extension cabinets

Hi Guys Well, thanks to advice from Eric Gittins and some help from Ray at the Radio Workshop here in UK I now have my EKCO U319A up and running. Guitar plugged in and singin' like a bird. 3W of lovely blues crunch...I played my 1957 Hofner…

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