A few radios I've turned into guitar amps
Here are a few where I've bought the cabinet and installed battery powered solid state amps. For more details, see my web site.
Read more…Here are a few where I've bought the cabinet and installed battery powered solid state amps. For more details, see my web site.
Read more…Hi all! This is my first attemp to turn a radio, but something goes wrong.
I don’t know the electronics, but I use the soldering iron and the tester without problems.
The radio is in perfect working order.
I followed the (easy) instructions, checked
Read more…Just got one, and hoping to figure how to use it for an amp.
Switched RCA plug, 'radio' and 'phono'. Gonna run test #2 tonight, not sure if I had the volume up the first test...
I just bought a radio/cassette tape player at an estate sale. $1.50, half-off from $3.00. I want to convert it into an amp. I've watched some vids that showed the process, and it looks pretty easy. (And the filthy-dirty-nasty sound is AWESOME
Read more…Hello from Norway!
I've just got hold of a lovely old transistor radio that I think will make a great sounding amp:
I've not done anything like this before, and I'm no electrician, but after a browse online I think I've got the gist of it (w
Read more…Hi,
I have this Hitachi Transistor Radio in full working order, except for one of the tape drive belts, which I cut to prevent it from running. Duh! Ordered same from China Slow Boat delivery so no problem with that, when it eventually arrives.
I ha
Read more…I understand that mains valve radios are not to be messed with because of the high voltages but are battery valve radios ok for converting to guitar amps. Some guidance would be helpful before I fry myself!
Read more…Hello All,
This may not be a Radio Amp, but I came across a circuit board and speaker from a Fender Mini Amp. I thought I could just wire up a 9 volt batter clip, connect the speaker and away we go... But I am at a loss as to where things connect to
Anyone ever make an amp from a car radio? Got instructions and wisdom from your experience? No idea, just had a notion it may work.
Read more…I am new here and didn't know exactly where to post this question. Shane Speal said the Roland Cube amp was a good amp. Do any of you guys have one and if so, is there an AC adapter option for the amp?
Thanks in advance,
Read more…Well, I just bought a little (4"x 8" x 2") battery powered Broadcast and Shortwave receiver on Ebay to use for a little amp for my License Plate Guitar. It belonged to a 95 year old lady in Georgia who passed away. The radio is working, and seems to
Read more…Hi Guys,
I have a 1946 Convey AM radio. works quite well and it has an old phono jack and switch on the back. I thought it would be easy to simply replace the old jack with a new one. But it didn't work. I installed the new jack next to the original,
Read more…So you hack your radio of choice and become disappointed by the volume level you can get out of your newly hacked radio amp. This might be the reason why:
The circuit in Figure 38 permits mixing two inputs, and is particularly int
Read more…Hi All, I have a question about an amp I made from a Califone cassette recorder. When I turn up the volume full (8-10) and play, the sound stops, like it's cutting out. I also get a repeating throbbing kind of "wump" sound. No overdrive distortion. I
Read more…I have picked up this 1968 Arvin AM radio, Model # 68R89 that I plan on hacking into a practice amp that should do well as one.
I will update this as I get a chance to do the mod on it and show more pictures of how I did it.
Read more…As luck would have it, I found myself perusing through a Salvation Army store, and found an old portable radio. The sticker read $6.00 and "it works". I snatched it up quicker than you could slap a tick. I turned it on to see, and shazam...radio work
Read more…I want to send a shout out to beetle juice! He inspired me to make a home made amp and by following his direction, and some trial and error, I was able to make a guitar amp of my own. I have been sharing my work with my students and plan to teach the
Read more…I've had real good luck building this Valco 510-11 circuit. For those who would enjoy retrofitting old and good looking vintage cabinets, this design fits the bill. The sound is fat and stuffed to the brim with harmonics. What one could call a "bedro
Read more…Saw an ad in the local paper the other night, a short trip & £20 later i have a Grundig yacht boy 209
In fine original condition. LW, MW, SW & FM It came from an old boy who bought it new in 1974 and it came complete with handbook, wiring schematics
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