I am trying to grt a proper connection and placement for a rod pizel I bought here for my first build ' I have a new fender mustang 1, as soon as I plug in the CBG I get a loud HUM, I thought it was an amp problem but when I took it to the shop it sounded great on any of their gutiars so the problem is in my CBG I cliped the plug end and souldered it to on of Grittys mono jacks I changed the wiring around to see if it was backwards but nothing helps ... PLEASE looking for HELP. Thanks Randy
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Usually, a hum or 60 cycle buzzing is from a bad or no ground. Everything in your setup needs to have its ground wire go to the shaft solder joint on the output jack. Here is a great website for wiring diagrams. It doesn't deal with piezo pickups in particular but most of it will still apply. It's a good idea to check for 'cold' solder joints as well.