Not to sure how I feel about it. The string height is higher than I wanted. Needs a string tree. Middle string pops out. Sounds great but I need to redo the bridge 'cause it buzz's a little. Im also experimenting with strings. I have on a .026, .036, and a .045 acoustic strings and it is a little low sounding. Any input would be very helpful.
Thanks for all the response to my last questions.
Next one is a 4 string with the fret board higher than the box lid so I can get that low action.
The frets are just brass rod from true value. 3 for $1. Superglued them in, beveled the sides, and leveled the tops.
You get to play with the setup a little, that's all! It is a little finicky to do - but as rewarding as the rest of the building. I think you'll learn a lot doing it, and be very pleased by your result.
The frets are real sharp. What did you use?