So today i saw a video of shane speal, in which he told about the whammy bars they sell at C B Gitty, i emediately went back to my old design. I am planning on using a rod thru the thru body part to attach the pivot point, one of the bolts that attach to the bridge will extend out so i can attach an arm to it.
I challenge anyone who's intrested to make a better design!!!!
I made one last summer on my Green CBG out of a door hinge and some springs.

very cool ;-)
Thanks, it works but you get a little spring noise when using it. Also a little spring Reverb like a Strat.
Looks like a good bit of planing went into this. Do you have a problem with string wear?
Looks great with that box.
no issues with wear . the lower bar has a metal rod under it, the strings glide across it nicely . i think i used a smooth nail . the wooden bar hides it . the wood bridge holds up nicely too. only issue is the axle needs some veggie oil now and then or the wood "creaks " . and like most whammys , sometimes ya gotta spank it back in tune . ;-)
That's a smart design.
Mine also needs to be pulled up to return to correct pitch now and then. The bolt bridge is supposed to move back and forth in the nuts with the string movement, but doesn't always. It might work better if the springs were under more tension.
Have you seen these little guitars?
yeah , saw those (or similar ) on here a while ago . they yours ?
Not mine. Could make one fairly cheap though. :)
indeed . here's some spring-less stationary whammys i have made . no springs , they are just just "benders" and "lifters" .
made from 3 kitchen pulls .
brass parts . coat hook , bell handle , and candle plate
gate latch
coat hook