I bought old analog telephone.

I tried to make microphone from telephone speaker and mic.

Carbon mic was to noisy and quiet.

Speaker worked well untill I realized that open soledring between to cabels is bad.

I tried to fix the problem. Speaker uses cable terminals. I dont have any cabel terminal right now.

I got some cabel with cabel terminals right size from same phone.

When I changed cabels speaker stoped working. Maybe the cabel or jack or both was bad what I was using . I was thinking to use tin can as a cover for mic.

Some telephone pictures for getting more and better help.

I bought old wooden candle legs for mic legs

Found two tin cans at home.

I was thinking to make something like this

Or something like this

I wanna make steampunk microphone from old analog telephone speaker or mic.

I have no idea how to make speaker to work and how to connect speaker with leg.

I know how to connect tin can with wooden leg.

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  • That should work. If it was working once, but now doesn't, then you obviously have a bad connection somewhere. Did you try to put the speaker at the bottom of one of those cans to see if it would amplify the output at all?

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