After filing and sandpaper I find frets still a bit sharp. Would using a piece of leather help dull the frets sharpness. I know leather is used like a strop to actually sharpen blades but maybe it could work by pressing in like sandpaper ? Haven't tried steel wool yet but maybe that's help

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  • Stewart Mac sells a fret dressing file for about $12. It is designed to dull the edges of the frets with out damaging the finish.

    It saves me a lot of aggravation and time.

  • I use a regular flat metal file run lengthwise along the neck to first flatten the ends of the frets, then to round them off.  Go all the way down until you feel like yolu're filing the wood, then start the round off process.  After you'r happy with the shape, take a small file (I have a triangular shaped one about 1/8 inch wide) and hit each edge of each fret ( 4 edges per fret)...round the fret edges off and then move to the top.  After all that I run sandpaper up and down the sides of each neck.  I've never ended up with burrs/sharp edges after all that.

  • This is what I made and use , not very pretty but they do the job very well


    • Can you make this tool without a bandsaw?
      •  I cut the slots with a hand saw , 90 deg was a bit loose so I use the screws to hold it in , easier than holding a file in your hands and you get them all the same angle .

      • You would probably need to do that with a table saw to cut the slot.

        I made one like that but it didn't work very well. I am guessing I had the wrong kind of file in it. I just use my belt sander.

  • I had a local luthier show me on how to use Emory Boards (like women use on their finger nails) and they come in all kinds of different grits.
  • A flat needle file wil accurately round off the burrs - use a yellow duster to test for any snags (-:

    • I get snags ...I've used a variety of ideas presented here. Perhaps I need to file or sand much much more aggressively. Obviously not doing something right..part of issue is I finished with minwax prior to fretting as the guitar was not intended originally for frets.
      • So gently file/grind/sand the snags until gone.

        Relax, put on some good music, go slow and steady.

        Scuff the wood if necessary, you can always retouch the finish. No one is grading you on the result.

        Yeah maybe it won't be a perfect big name box store junktar "hecho en China" but it'll be yours and comfortable to play.

        The key is you'll be developing the feel for the work.

        Your next one will be easier because you will have had practice on this one.

        Thing about doing stuff is that if you get tense and worry about screwing up, you are guaranteed to screw up. Relax and do what needs doing.

        Remember we aren't talking about an expensive project here. I mean even if you totally FUBAR this build you'll be out what $20 bucks tops. The tools you have purchased aren't a wasted investment because they can be used for your next build and for any other suitable project around the house.

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