Someone who visited my web site left a negative comment regarding the quote generally attributed to Lightnin' Hopkins.


I assume that the visitor was just leaving a comment based on their own opinion. But, it got me to thinking about whether there is any controversy about whether or not Hopkins actually said that, or if it is just the product of some blues related legend.


Has anyone ever heard anything that would contradict the belief that he actually said it?



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  • Right here it is!
  • LOL!!

    jason fitzgibbons said:
    the only twattish piece of crap is Wal, and too bad he doesn't have a brain cell of his own to blow out
  • the only twattish piece of crap is Wal, and too bad he doesn't have a brain cell of his own to blow out
  • I've seen the video its legit..
  • Now that you mention it, I think I saw the video you are talking about.

    Shane Speal said:
    Yep, he said it. It's been used quite frequently in many articles, including the Rolling Stone obituary for Hopkins. It's captured on video somewhere, too.
  • Yea, I know.

    I was just curious if that quote could be in the "Play it again Sam." category or not.

    Chester Winowiecki said:
    I think that whether he said it or not could be argued, this person seems to be of the troll variety and trying to get a rise out of you. I think you'd be best to ignore comments like that or at least not respond to them. If you care to find out the history of the quote for your own sake, then that's great, but keep it away from this fool.
  • Yep, he said it. It's been used quite frequently in many articles, including the Rolling Stone obituary for Hopkins. It's captured on video somewhere, too.
  • I think that whether he said it or not could be argued, this person seems to be of the troll variety and trying to get a rise out of you. I think you'd be best to ignore comments like that or at least not respond to them. If you care to find out the history of the quote for your own sake, then that's great, but keep it away from this fool.
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