Several folks have mentioned that they are having or have had problems in the past with uploading videos to this site. Here is some information for you:

For starters, there have been problems in the past with videos that just stop playing and get hung up in "buffering". This was reported to Ning support, but they were never able to resolve the problem.

For videos that you upload directly to your page on Cigar Box Nation, there is a file size restriction of 100MB. While this may seem like a pretty big file, you can easily exceed that file size if you have video in high definition, like 720p or higher. For example, on my iPhone 4, 30 seconds of 720p video results in a 40MB file size.

When you upload a video to your page, the Ning servers convert it to Flash format automatically. Converting to Flash format increases rather than decreases the file size.

What is interesting is that Ning says the 100MB file size is the maximum size AFTER they convert it to Flash format. So, that sounds to me like a user cannot upload a 100MB file because it will automatically exceed the file size limit. In fact, a 75MB file may exceed the limit after conversion. Basically, the user has no idea what the final file size will be, so they just have to try to upload it and hope for the best.

In my opinion, the best option is to upload the video to YouTube first, and then post the embed code on your CBN page. After the video has been upload to YouTube, click on Share, then click on Embed. Tick the box that says "Use old embed code", and copy the code that is in the window.

Then, on your page here, click on Videos, then click on Add, but DO NOT click on the big red box that says Click to Add Videos. Instead scroll down to the bottom of that page and click on "or embed videos from other services".

You will then see a box where you can paste the code that you copied from the YouTube site. Then click on Add Video and you should be good to go.

Just remember that if you remove that video from YouTube, it will no longer be available on your CBN page.



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  • Good morning Dan. I am having a problem sending pictures. I don't see any place to go to ask about this. I saw your post about the videos so I figured I'd ask you. I send a pic. And it comes back as "delivery failure" I've tried many times. I even tried Bens but that didn't work either. Delivery failure again. If you can direct me to a place to get info. It will be appreciated. Have a good Memorial Day. Thanks for your help. Bizzaro
    • Yep. Been experiencing exactly the same thing for the last week or so, on and off. It's like the website hangs when it tries to process the pic.

      IMHO, time to migrate the site.
      • Tried again today and it's doing the same thing. This time I tried 31pgvb71bs5781788780@cbg......? That didn't work. How do we solve this?
        • Are you trying to post them directly to your page, or are you trying to use the email option? If using the email option, I have never been able to get it to work.

          • Using email option,I'll try posting directly to my page.If I can figure that out. ThanksDan
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